Chulas Fronteras

Preceded by shorts: Recuerdos de Flores Muertas (Willie Varela, U.S., 1982): A poetic study of the Concordia Cemetery by the El Paso-born filmmaker Varela. (5 mins, Color/B&W, S-8mm, From Canyon). Pretty Vacant (Jim Mendiola, U.S., 1995): A young Chicana living in San Antonio publishes Ex Voto, a fanzine dedicated to the Sex Pistols. This day-in-the-life sketch roars along like her mimeo'd 'zine, cutting up stereotypes. (32 mins, B&W, 16mm, From the artist) -----------------------------------------"Beautiful Borders," as Chulas Fronteras translates, is a zesty introduction to Nortena music and culture that exists along the Texas-Mexico border. This culture is distinct, having its own Spanish dialect, Tejeno, and music that is a fusion of traditional Mexican harmonies, German dancehall rhythms, and a little something extra. From soulful, lively dance tunes to political work songs, Musica Nortena has evolved since the turn of the century into a unique Mexican-American hybrid. Featured are such "traditionalists" as Narciso Martinez, Flaco Jimenez, Los Alegres de Teran, and Lydia Mendoza. Filmmaker Blank links the music's spirit and vitality to the strong family bonds of the Tejenos. The plight of migrant workers adds a sobering backbeat to a generally joyous film.

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