Saturday, Feb 9, 2008
8:30 pm
Clouds over Conakry
Clouds over Conakry begins with a bang, as a bouncing hip-hop soundtrack powers an aerial pan over the city of Conakry, all mud, smog, and sprawl. Somewhere in the city we find BB, a modern man who wouldn't seem out of place in New York or L.A., busy working as a newspaper cartoonist, typing on his MacBook, attending concerts, and sleeping with his web-designer girlfriend. Unfortunately Conakry's no New York, and BB's father, a respected imam, has had a decidedly old-world vision: BB must inherit his status and become an imam himself. And if BB doesn't accept, then his older brother, a religious zealot busy blaming scantily clad women for the recent drought, might just force the issue. Director Camara invigorates the familiar tradition-vs.-modernity dichotomy with an approach that mixes comedy, romance, and sincerity, all while bringing the realities of Conakry to vibrant, engaging life.
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