The Creators of Shopping Worlds

Preceded by short:
Model House.

(Die Schöpfer der Einkaufswelten). Have you ever wondered what goes into designing a mall, an upscale clothing store, or the bread section of your local grocery? Harun Farocki's newest video essay provides an incisive look at the decision–making process behind the designs that induce our societies of consumption to buy even more. Focusing mainly on men in suits as they hash out the best ways to please their clients and sway the public, The Creators of Shopping Worlds is also a mordant portrait of a class whose role is to create the desires that create us.

Model House (Goran Radovanovic, Yugoslavia, 2000). Model House explores the situation of refugee families from the Krajina region (now Croatia) in Serbia. Using clips from Serbian and Croatian television with their strategically deployed sound bites from Milosevic, patriotic citizens, and nationalistic soldiers, Goran Radovanovic juxtaposes this ideology–laden rhetoric with the story of a single woman and her family who have lost their home and are struggling to survive.-Irina Leimbacher. Written by Radovanovic. In Serbo–Croation with English subtitles, Photographed by Radoslav Vladic. (21 mins, Color, Video, From the artist)

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