Tuesday, Oct 14, 1997
Creosote and A Biography of Lilith
In the latest of Eric Saks's unique collage animations, a young boy lost on a Boy Scout outing in the desert re-emerges in Los Angeles as a young adult. The story, told in both voice-over and via titles, merges the true incident of a tragic disappearance with a spiritual odyssey of St. Francis. Something between a drifter's tale and a hallucination, referencing puppetry techniques and religious pamphlets, the haunting Creosote seeks "to accept visions as real and meaningful." (Saks) (42 mins, B&W, 3/4" video) A Biography of Lilith opens with the story of Lilith, the first woman, for some the first feminist, who left Eden vowing vengeance for Adam's treatment of her. In Lynne Sachs's beautiful meditation, a modern Lilith muses on the choices she has made, while intertitles chronicle historical superstitions regarding Lilith's power, and songs and sound compositions by Pamela Z., Charming Hostess, and Natalie Lithwick give her voice. In this modern contextualization, Lilith's frightful vengeances are re-read as teachings for Sachs's own infant girl. With Cherie Wallace. (35 mins, Color, 16mm)
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