Thursday, Mar 31, 2005
Cries of the City: Stories from the Bay Area
Exploring and interpreting modern metropolitan existence from divergent perspectives, this showcase reflects the textured milieu of contemporary urban life and culture. Social Interaction Study (Eric Leppo, c. 10 mins) is a cool meditation on the varied visual and psychological perspectives of urbanites. Territorial Pissings (Nathan Johnson, 6 mins) exposes the shrouded world of graffiti. Light, decay, and time-lapse photography characterize Tracking (Therese Tierney, 4 mins). Andrés Cediel's documentary on remaining traces of Native American life, Shellmound (21 mins), promises to permanently alter the experience of shopping at Emeryville's Bay Street Mall. Trauma (Terry Patton, 4 mins) is a hypnotic postmodern exploration of sampling and layering. Of Rats and Men (Sophia D'Arbone, Kathy Maloney, Nathan Skelton, 16 mins) takes viewers on a ride with the East Bay Rats motorcycle gang. Downtown 2AM (Connor Snedecor, 4 mins, B&W) cleverly blends themes of time-shifting, video technology, and criminality in a self-reflexive stylization. Translate (Jamila Pierson-Jase, 4 mins) is an overtly political treatise that reflects the polemical potency of the music video form.
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