The Crimson Pirate

With great bravado, The Crimson Pirate fires a satiric salvo across the bow of the swashbuckler saga. The commander of this gauche galleon is none other than Captain Vallo, played by Burt Lancaster with a grin as wide as the Caribbean. Along with his acrobatic buddy Nick Cravat as the mute pirate Ojo, the two keep the sails billowing with buffoonery as they swing from the rigging, sword-in-hand, evading the wrath of the King's navy. The plot, with more twists than a pirate's braid, concerns the sleepy island of Cobra where a rebellion is brewing. El Libre, the rebel leader, must be captured and the “Crimson Pirate” and his crew of mangy miscreants are just the ones to do it (for a trove of doubloons). Luckily, El Libre (Frederick Leister) had read Revolution for Dummies which states “always bring your beautiful daughter,” in this case Eva Bartok, the winsome wench from Budapest. Dizzying derring-do, lavish attire, and a crew of bellowing buccaneers earns The Crimson Pirate two hooks up.

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