The Crooked Way

Amnesiac war veteran John Payne knows only that his name is Eddie and he comes from Los Angeles. He goes "home" again, only to find himself well known to an underworld society of mugs and tough dames, a stranger only to himself. With excellent direction by Robert Florey and lighting by John Alton, this minor film noir appears classically traditional, particularly in its treatment of the ambiguous hero. "A doctor's office on a rainlit night, light coming through water, womblike: our hero realizes that he doesn't know who he is. Emerging out of Union Station into the world-the broad dark sunny cement streets of Los Angeles-he begins his odyssey of self discovery. The attitude of the light is neither frivolous nor asleep; the progression of light affirms that this human realm is a metaphysical excursion." (Nathaniel Dorsky)

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