Culture & Its Discontents

These five filmstear at the placid fabric of Viennese domestic life. The beautifullyphotographed Sonne halt! by Ferry Radax, one of the most inventive andiconoclastic of the early filmmakers, is an unruly, fragmented narrativefollowing the exploits of several rebellious young people. Redolent withlanguorous beat energy, it occupies a place oddly reminiscent of our ownThe End (Christopher MacLaine). Schmidt, Jr.'s P.R.A.T.E.R. is anabrasive and witty documentary portrait of activities around Vienna'shistoric amusement park; Subcutan by Rosenberger is a sizzling montageportrait of Vienna in 1988, "a glance under the skin of everydaylife, searching for the open sores in the soul of this would-bemetropolis" (J.R.); and Scheirl/Schipeck's The Abbotess and theFlying Bone is an outrageous fantasy set in a psycho-sexual zone,complete with mythic and ritualistic mysteries.-Steve Anker

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