Dance on Camera Festival Program 3

Birgit Cullberg: Dance in New Dimensions (Måns Reuterswärd, Sweden, 1986). Birgit Cullberg (1908-1999) was a pioneer, independent thinker, and influential choreographer acclaimed not only for her dramatic ballets but for her imaginative experiments with videodance. Ten examples of the innovative collaboration of Cullberg and Måns Reuterswärd are shown. Choreographer: Birgit Cullberg. Dancers: Mona Elgh, Lenna Wennergren, Niklas Ek, members of the Cullberg Ballet. (55 mins)

Bella Figura! (Hans Hulscher, Netherlands, 1998). An adaptation of the 1995 Jiri Kylian ballet which he describes as “like standing on the edge of a dream. The moment in which dream intrudes into our lives and life into our dreams.” Choreographer: Jiri Kylian. Dancers: Nederlands Dans Theater. (31 mins)

Dune Dance (Carolyn Brown, U.S., 1980). “The elated, rough-and-tumble movement of the dancers improvising on sand has been beautifully and ironically juxtaposed with well-known ballet music…reveals more about the joy of dancing than anything you're likely to see.” (Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice) Conceived by former Cunningham dancer Carolyn Brown. Dancers: Charles Atlas, Jumay Chu, Jean Churchill, Robert Clifford, Meg Harper, Wendy Rogers, Sara Rudner, Robert Seder, Bruce St. Croix. (40 mins)

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