Thursday, Feb 20, 1992
Dark Waters
Archival Print! Rarely shown, Dark Watersis a wonderful mixture of Gothic and noir, in the manner of House by theRiver. "Despite problems with his star, Merle Oberon, Andréde Toth manages to create a superb suspense thriller in Dark Waters. Thedirector takes the vaguely sinister locale of an old sugar plantation inthe New Orleans bayou country, and makes it increasingly terrifying andsinister for both his heroine and the audience through the use ofshadows, mood lighting, and the strange sounds of the Louisiana night.De Toth is aided and abetted by a fine supporting cast, including ThomasMitchell as the most disturbing of house guests, Elisha Cook, Jr., asthe most insinuating of plantation overseers, and Rex Ingram as theblack worker who assures Merle Oberon that he also hears thosevoices." --Anthony Slide
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