Wednesday, Aug 18, 2004
7:30 pm
Dementia 13
This atmospheric tale of terror, Coppola's second venture, was considered so shocking that a test was devised to determine the viewer's fitness for watching it. The “D-13 Test,” concocted by the esteemed psychiatrist Dr. William Joseph Bryan, offered up thirteen probing questions that plumbed one's predisposition for traumatic breakdown. “IF YOU FAIL THE TEST…you will be asked to leave the theatre!” The film's producers, it seemed, wanted exclusive rights to any maniacal behavior associated with the film. Dementia 13, for its part, is no ordinary shockfest. The first stunning scene, with a body slowly sinking to a lake bottom followed by a transistor radio still playing garbled music, propels you into the murky world of a family cursed by its own suffocating memories. Luana Anders plays the unwelcome visitor at the castle Halloran, glum enclave of brooding siblings, their morbid mom, and, yes, a dark, dank secret. Lurking in the abundant shadows is an unnamed loony, wielding his woeful ax. Dementia 13 is a chopping spree in chiaroscuro.
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