Detective Story

William Wylerrecreates the prison-like claustrophobia of a New York City police squadroom to illuminate the pent-up internal world of his protagonist, avindictive and pitiless detective (Kirk Douglas) whose sense of lawfuljustice comes dangerously close to street justice. He plays cop, judgeand jury to a host of assorted city types-the pathetic chap who stealsfor "love" and is doubly disillusioned; the crafty lady shopkeeper(played by Lee Grant, ingenuously); the bull cop who secretly grievesfor a lost son-all the while barely containing a righteous anger thatborders on monomania. When a much hunted abortionist is cuffed andprinted, the Detective splits wide open...and his wife, one-timeclient/victim of the doctor, becomes victim once again. But his is aright- eousness of Biblical proportions, one that can be resolved onlyin death. Here is a disturbing mirror of the eighties in the fifties;indeed in theme, treatment, and nitty-gritty city flavor, it was anextraordinary drama for its time.

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