Tuesday, Jun 16, 1981
10:05 PM
The Devil's Wheel
“A drama of the gangster bands that preyed upon St. Petersburg during the Civil War period, The Devil's Wheel...is extremely interesting for its descriptions of the colorful underworld milieu which existed (apparently) well into the Twenties.... A film by Grigori Kozintzev and Leonid Trauberg, who at ages 21 and 24 respectively had already several years of collaborative work behind them, The Devil's Wheel is reminiscent of The Adventures of Mr. West In the Land of the Bolsheviks by Lev Kuleshov, whose theories influenced profoundly the practices of the Factory of the Eccentric Actor. In the FEKS workshop, performers practiced physical education, acrobatics, mime, comportment in front of the camera - without any deference to psychologisms. In The Devil's Wheel, the eccentric tendency found an ideal outlet in the bizarre characters and decadent environment called for by the subject.” --Tom Luddy, Yvette Biro
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