Sunday, Mar 2, 2003
Disturbed identities, destroyed homelands, and displaced families are among the themes of today's program. In My Own Skin: The Complexity of Living as an Arab in America (Nikki Byrd, Jennifer Jajeh, 15 mins) turns the lens on young Arab American women whose daily task is to question and rediscover their identities in post-9/11 America. Children of the Crocodile (Marsha Emerman, U.S./Australia, 52 mins, From Women Make Movies) explores two East Timorese women's adaptation to a new life in Australia and their continuing struggle for the liberation of East Timor. Native Youth Movement Roadblock (Nitanis Desjarlais, 2002, Canada, 29 mins, From Video Out Distribution) documents radical responses to unresolved Native American land issues. In orange juice and knitting needles (11 mins), Erica Peng discovers her displaced roots and a new meaning to life in the rituals of her immigrant grandparents.
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