Wednesday, Oct 23, 2002
Divining Mom
Artist in Person
Special Dowsing Contest!
"What do you do if your mother is a witch-a water witch?" asks a somewhat sobered son, who happens to be the director of Divining Mom. The witchery he is referring to deploys a divining rod and an extended set of senses to locate underground water supplies, or just about anything else if so moved. George Kachadorian's dad doesn't believe it for a minute, but Mom's belief in dowsing won't be doused. After twenty years of family feuding, filial duty finally forces George to delve deep into the world of divining, replete with skeptics, New Age dabblers, and traditionalists who eschew the paranormal. Interviews with professional doubter The Amazing Randi, Russel Targ, founder of the CIA's psychic research program, and pro predictors like Wayne Thompson make this work a wellspring of info. But Mom gets the final word as she dowses for water, testing her skills against a well driller's results. Guess who gets it right.
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