Don't Touch the White Woman!

In the days of Nixon, Ferreri carved up the myth of the American West. This is a western set in modern-day Paris, the enormous hole where Les Halles used to be serving as a desolate, dusty backdrop for the action. Ferreri reassembled the cast of La Grande Bouffe for this grand spoof: Marcello Mastroianni is a preening, primping General Custer; Philippe Noiret, his properly outraged foil, General Terry; Michel Piccoli, an outright exhibitionist Buffalo Bill; Ugo Tognazzi, an Indian scout who runs a curio shop where atrocities are among the souvenirs and white women are exploited but not touched. Catherine Deneuve is the seemingly demure gal who gets Custer's little big horn before the Indians do. A fin-de-siècle comedy about genocide, and the man-to-man/woman indignities that lead up to the slaughter-a truly unusual film having its West Coast premiere in this series. Repeated Sunday, January 12.

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