Double Dare

Double Dare, Potter'sfirst work to be shot entirely on film, is a perverse meditation on therelationship between author and subject. Martin is another one ofPotter's blocked writers (Only Make Believe, The Singing Detective). Heinvites an actress to a hotel for a drink and to discuss his nextproject. The play he is trying to write concerns a call girl coming to ahotel to visit a client, and Martin hopes the actress, whom he envisionsplaying the prostitute, will stimulate his writing. Martin relies moreand more on a dark secret self to resolve his increasingly schizophrenicartistic crisis. The production is filled with mirrors, traditionalsymbols of an identity breakdown, and the viewer is never sure what isbeing portrayed-are we seeing reality or have we entered into Martin'smind? This uncompromising drama refuses to verify any particularviewpoint as it leads towards its horrific finale.

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