D.W. Griffith-Unassembled

"I had seen an unassembled Griffith Biograph film at The Museum of Modern Art in New York several years ago. It made a strong impression on me with its open construction, as seen from the location camera, and with its lapses. It seemed at once manifest and functional, irregular and irrational. The order was perfect. It kept pointing to the future." (Abigail Child). Abigail Child has selected a program of Griffith one- and two-reelers which she will introduce and discuss in relation to the development of narrative structure. Each film will be presented first unassembled, in the order that it was shot, and then assembled, as the film was released. The program will include The Musketeers of Pig Alley, Those Awful Hats and others. Special thanks to Anne Morra, curatorial assistant in the Department of Film at The Museum of Modern Art, New York for her assistance with the program.

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