Edvard Munch

Admission $1.50
“Peter Watkins' Edvard Munch is the standard by which all subsequent films of artists' lives will be measured. Munch, whose works include The Scream, Anxiety, and The Vampire, was crucified by critics and public when his paintings first appeared in the late nineteenth century. He is now considered to be one of the seminal figures of modern art, the founder - with Van Gogh - of the Expressionist movement in painting. Rather than reducing its subject like nearly all its forerunners, Watkins' film is the first to suggest the totality of factors producing an artist. Mixing fact and fiction, narration and ‘interviews,' historical context and achronological editing, Watkins fashions a gigantic collage of Munch and his time. Part biography, part sociology, part history, part psychology, part visual analysis, Edvard Munch is a jagged, nearly overwhelming monument to a repressed, obsessive man whose life and art were a prophecy of the anxiety of the twentieth century.” --New Yorker Films

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