Friday, Sep 18, 1981
8:00 PM
El Salvador: The People Will Win
Documenting years of resistence by the El Salvadorean people against colonial invasions, feudal oligarchies, and military regimes - from the uprisings in the Thirties led by Farabundo Marti, through the founding of political and military organizations in the Seventies, to the April 1980 uniting of the opposition (the Democratic Revolutionary Front and the Farabundo Marti Liberation Front) against the American-backed junta - El Salvador: The People Will Win was filmed under the most difficult, clandestine conditions. Eye witness accounts and strikingly powerful images of the land, the people, and the struggle combine with often horrifying footage of atrocities that have been and still are the tragic reality of El Salvador.
This film represents a major collaborative effort between El Salvadorean and other Latin American filmmakers, the first production of the recently formed Film Institute of Revolutionary El Salvador. Representing the point of view of the Farabundo Marti Liberation Front and the population that supports it, the film features the first face-to-face interview with Salvador Cayetano Carpio (Marcial), founder and commander-in-chief of the Popular Liberation Forces, and member of the central command of the FMLN.
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