The Endurance of Spirit

This program offers visions of individuals, communities, and families withstanding calamity-portraits of strength, resilience, and resolution. In Remember (Proshat Shekarloo, 7 mins), an Iranian-American first-time filmmaker relates personal stories of abuse and neglect, revealing troubles often experienced by women within her community. Stone Mansion (J. J. Goldberger, 14 mins), a narrative set in Tulsa, Oklahoma, during the 1921 race riot, explores the insurmountable integrity and courage of a black doctor and his wife. Lawan Jirasuradej's Mama Wahunzi (U.S./Thailand, 2002, 57 mins, From Women Make Movies) profiles three disabled African women who learn to build and supply wheelchairs in Kenya and Uganda. When the Storm Came (Shilpi Gupta, 23.5 mins) documents the residual impact of an alleged mass rape on a community in Kashmir and exposes the frequent use of rape as a weapon of war.

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