Thursday, Feb 4, 1988
Eskimo Baby and The Guinea Pig
Eskimo Baby (Walter Schmidthä;ssler, Germany, 1916). (DasEskimobaby). Nielsen plays an Eskimo girl introduced by an Arctic explorer intothe vastness of his aristocratic home. "The Eskimo Baby is funny enough torank beside the best of American silent comedy. It provides a vehicle forNielsen's most successful type of comic character, the outsider who invades astuffy, middle-class world and promptly sets about puncturing inflatedpretensions." (R. C. Allen) Note that the film has racist and stereotypingmaterial. Written by Louis Levy. With Louis Levy, AstaNielsen. (incomplete)The Guinea Pig (Edmund Edel, Germany, 1916). (Die Erste Patient/DasVersuchskaninchen). Asta plays the naughty and interfering daughter of a widowerwho is attracted to his housekeeper. The latter arranges to have her sent to aboarding house but, due to a mix-up, she lands in one run by a professor whohopes to earn an income by opening a home for the mentally retarded children hestudies. She is his "first patient."
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