Every Beat of My Heart

Dance superstar Samiya Gamal shines in this effervescent comedy. She plays a young dancer who meets by accident-literally, in a car crash-an aspiring singer (Muhammad Fawzi). The result of the collision is true love. But she has another admirer who concocts an elaborate scheme to frame the singer, whose career is blossoming all the while. Samiya Gamal came to cinema from the world of cabaret, and in her films she plays creatively with the tension between the dancer's immoral public image and personal professionalism. Here, a fanzine reporter follows the dancer into every crisis, asking, "And how fast is your heart beating now?" Gamal was no slouch at bringing her audience's pulse to a crescendo. The backstage film became her specialty, usually paired with a prominent singer. Indeed, the synergy between dancer and singer propels this film from the golden age of the musical-dance film.

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