Tuesday, Nov 17, 2009
7:30 pm
Everything's for You
In Everything's for You, Abraham Ravett examines the loss of his father, Chaim, who had been a survivor of the Lodz Ghetto and Auschwitz. Silence pervades the work, so that when Ravett questions his father in Yiddish, it seems an attempt to reconnect and an acknowledgment of unspeakable loss. His initial harsh, insistent questioning is slowly replaced by a sense of the limits of knowledge, a shift from “You never told me anything” to “What can I know? I can't know anything.” This awareness is also linked to his father's past, of which he did not speak but which included a previous family, victims of the war. In seeking out a past characterized by absence, the film, by necessity, broadly defines what constitutes memory, using home movies, school portraits, archival images, and animated enactments of childhood experiences.
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