facing pictures/framing the visible

Don't do to her what you did to me (Zineb Sedira, Algeria/U.K., 1998/2000). A potent invocation of ritual and heritage reinterpreting a Muslim talisman performed on Sedira in her teens. The tape adroitly speaks to the complexity of being a Muslim woman in an alienating environment while also questioning the effect of failed rituals. (8 mins, From the artist)

Survival Signs (Mounir Fatmi, Morocco/France, 1998). Fatmi analyzes how language has lost its power of understanding and communication; "deep in the mouth, the tongue is nothing more than a muscle." Full of clutter, the tape shows how speech and the corollary of being heard are necessary ingredients for survival. (12:30 mins, In French and German with English subtitles, From Heure Exquise!)

Beautiful World (Dounia-Amar) (Sherif El-Azma, Egypt, 2000). A look at class divisions, community, fame, and ego through the lives of two singers in Cairo, a pop star and a struggling artist. Completely separated by class, their worlds barely meet. (18 mins, In Arabic with English subtitles, From the artist)

"this is THE political film" ("howah dah el film EL siyasi")(Hassan Khan, Egypt, 1998). Part of an ongoing anti-advertisement series where creating a specific relationship to the audience through various conceptual moves is explored. Here the political is consciously defined through an easily accessible code. (1 min, In Arabic with English subtitles, From the artist)

The Man with the Golden Soles (L'Homme aux semelles d'or)(Omar Amiralay, Syria/Lebanon/France, 2000). A personal inquiry into the mythical stature of multimillionaire Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. Like a punch-drunk fighter, Amiralay feints, retreats, and attacks through a series of encounters throwing whatever he can at the Prime Minister who ducks and bobs while landing squarely in the ring of his inquisition. (54 mins, In Arabic with English subtitles, From AMIP)

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