Film 50: History of Film
George Bolling's Phase (1972, 6:28 mins, B&W) is astrident feedback exploration created by the Bay Area's first video curator. JoelGlassman's Rattling Outside, Banging Inside (1972, 16 mins, B&W) declares theartist's intimacy with his material environment. Peter d'Agostino also ritualizeshis physical terrain in the Walk Series (1973-74, B&W, excerpt) by stakingout parcels of San Francisco landscape. Secret Spill (1974, B&W, excerpt)finds Theresa Cha in a sylvan performance that culminates in the release offeminine fecundity. Part of the ground-breaking Dilexi Series, Terry Riley andArlo Acton's Music with Balls (1969, 23:52 mins, Color) displays Riley's hypnoticmusic within a multi-layered, colorized extravaganza.-Steve Seid