The Films of Norman McLaren

One of the world's leading animators, Norman McLaren has experimented with many techniques, but his greatest contribution has been in the area of cameraless animation--drawing directly on film. McLaren joined the then newly formed National Film Board of Canada in 1941 on the invitation of John Grierson, and in 1943 he took charge of the Board's animation unit. Enjoying creative freedom and generous government grants, McLaren has since created films ranging from animation to live action for which he has received numerous international awards, including the Oscar.
Tonight's films are presented in chronological order. They include:
Dots (1940, 3 mins, color), Loops (1940, 3 mins, color), V for Victory (1941, 2 mins, Warnercolor), Keep Your Mouth Shut (1944, 3 mins), Hoppity Pop (1946, 3 mins, color), Fiddle-De-Dee (1947, 4 mins, color), Begone Dull Care (1949, 8 mins, color), A Phantasy (1948-1952, 8 mins, Kodachrome), A Chairy Tale (1957, 10 mins), Lines Verticle (1960, 6 mins, color), Lines Horizontal (1962, 6 mins, color), Pas De Deux (1967, 14 mins).

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