The First Jewish Video Competition Awards Screening

Artists in Person With the immediacy of a global language, the video medium has become an irresistible instrument for defining and representing cultures to the world. This same medium serves as a powerful intermediary for discussion within a community, advancing social change, airing differences, confronting conflicts. And because of its accessibility, video can also speed the accumulation of a people's history, depicting the intimate along with the communal, recording the voices and images that muster a past and guarantee continuity into the future. With rare commitment, artists and activists have passionately embraced the potential of video to summon the beliefs, the struggles, the aspirations that embody the world community of Jews. In recognition of the achievements of these videomakers, the Judah L. Magnes Museum inaugurates the Jewish Video Competition, to continue as an annual event. Tonight, we present a selection of the best videoworks from recent years, evoking-at times with poetic lucidity, at other times with utilitarian economy-the multiplicity of stories that comprise the Jewish experience. Competition sponsored by the Richard and Roslyn Lindheim Fund. Special thanks to Bill Chayes, Dan Lindheim, Steve Seid, Paula Levine.

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