Wednesday, Feb 14, 2001
In the Flesh
Contrary to the notion that the body mirrors an internal self, these works reflect the body as inscribed largely by culture-the often poignant, occasionally humorous or absurd conflicts and conditions one inhabits or encounters. In Awakening of Desire, a suburban tale with a new twist on voyeurism, toy animals converse about the existential dilemmas of life in the nuclear age, while Continuons le combat subversively takes on pro wrestling as a metaphor for Québec's Quiet Revolution. Set against a backdrop of sci-fi, horror, and Michael Jackson videos, Positiv is a moving, beautifully crafted tape addressing separations of body and mind, and the finiteness of individual experience. Condition, suspended between sculpture and video, explores the human experience through reconsidering the body in an exercise of duration and movement. And In my end is my beginning... demands that we witness the ways in which both the body and the exterior culture eventually betray us.
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