Saturday, Mar 13, 2010
8:00 pm
The Forbidden Door
“A stylish and teasing chiller that unlocks a chamber of Freudian horrors, The Forbidden Door would make Hitchcock and Almodóvar proud. Soulful and bohemian, the sculptor Gambir is the darling of the art world, but something, however, is amiss. Could it be his sexual impotence, his controlling mother, his passive-aggressive wife who keeps their red room locked, the ‘help me' messages he sees all over Jakarta, or the fishy connection between his pregnancy ‘sculptures' and his frequent visits to an abortion clinic? The clues eventually lead him to join a strange club that allows members to channel-surf strangers' private lives, and opens up a further layer of sadism, voyeurism, and terror. Joining the twin conceits of moviegoers-as-voyeurs and cinema-as-peepshow while still seducing with style (and shock), Indonesian director Joko Anwar accessorizes this creepy suspense-horror with a dazzling array of auteur homages (to Lynch, Hitchcock, and Cronenberg, among others), swanky art direction, and a mellow fifties jazz score.”
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