Forbidden Planet

“The planet in question is Altair 4, where a space-age Prospero urgently warns his would-be rescuers against landing. But they do, and it looks like (with a reasonable stretch of the imagination) a new Garden of Eden, peopled by Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, and Robby the Robot. Lurking in the night, however, is a formidable Caliban, bent on murder; the identification and destruction of this monstrosity is an enthralling and complex process, told with a dignity and ingenuity which established the film at the time of its first release as a work of considerable maturity and power.” -British Film Institute.

“The best written science fiction investigates the implications of technology, the human/technological interface. Unfortunately, very few sci-fi films ever transcend their special effects to explore this ideological area at the heart of speculative fiction. Forbidden Planet... stands with 2001 as an outstanding example of just how good a serious sci-fi film can be.”

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