Ford Transit

Hany Abu-Assad (Nazareth) here delivers a documentary companion to his recently released fiction feature Rana's Wedding. In Palestine, Israeli roadblocks have made private transportation a nightmare; people now rely on taxis to get around town, or at least to the next checkpoint. Abu-Assad follows Rajai, a driver he met and hired for the filming of Rana's Wedding, as he transports an assortment of workers, lawyers, politicians, ice cream eaters, and even filmmakers around the city. Everyone weighs in from the backseat on the political situation, while Rajai floors it, screams out the window, or slams to a trafficked stop inside a landscape of rubble, dust, and heat. Stopping, starting, getting nowhere fast, Rajai's van becomes, as the director points out, “a metaphor for the theater of the Palestinians.” Ford Transit recently became notorious after Abu-Assad admitted to staging certain scenes to create a better truth, claiming, “I want the audience to ask themselves what is real and what is not real.”

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