Forever Yours: Short Works

Tonight's program features five very different works ranging from short narrative and animation to personal documentary. Robert Breer's collage animation Time Flies (1997, 5 mins, Color, 16mm) is a whimsical look at time passing. In Where Did Forever Go? (1997, 29 mins, Color, 16mm) Michael Dwass creates a beautiful, mesmerizing homage to his mother who has Alzheimer's disease. He interweaves home movies from the past and present, observations by his father and siblings, and a poetic meditation on remembering and forgetting. Cecilia Condit's Not a Jealous Bone (1987, 11 mins, B&W, Video) is a wicked and wacky musical in which the old and young wrestle for long life. In Better Late (1997, 8 mins, Color, 35mm), Jessica Yu's most recent short narrative, an older man prepares to propose marriage. Local artist Jennifer Paige's Grandma's Hands (work-in-progress, c. 30 mins, Color, Video) is an intimate, personal look at grandparents who are raising their grandchildren, mostly in response to their children's drug addiction. In honest and reflective interviews, they speak about how their lives have changed from retirement to active parenting. As Paige says, "At its deepest core, this documentary is about grace, love, and commitment."-Kathy Geritz

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