Tuesday, Aug 18, 1981
7:30 PM
Forty Guns
Barbara Stanwyck plays a ruthless Arizona ranch-owner and Barry Sullivan a Federal gunslinger in this bizarre psychological Western. In his days as a critic, Godard wrote a laudatory review of Forty Guns for Cahiers du cinema, in which he called the film “so rich in invention - despite an incomprehensible plot - and so bursting with daring conceptions that it reminds one of the extravagances of Abel Gance and Stroheim, or purely and simply of Murnau.”
In his book, “Samuel Fuller,” Nicholas Garnham writes about Fuller's influence on the modern cinema, “second hand, through the works of Godard”:
“...his heroes and heroines share...Fuller's desperate confusion. Dialectic and paradox are as fundamental to Godard's world as to Fuller's. Godard's heroes, like Fuller's, are pickpockets and pr
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