Funny Face

"This outstandinglybeautiful musical film remains a tribute to the best elements of thegenre: it epitomizes lyric entertainment at its most visually stylish,tuneful and romantic. The forthright, traditional approach to themusical still works, especially with Fred Astaire in his last great roleas lyric hero, and Audrey Hepburn in her only, very extraordinaryappearance as lyric heroine. Another marvel, not to be underestimated,is the major presence of Kay Thompson. The music, by George Gershwin forthe most part, only emphasizes, in the most dulcet way, the madjazz-patterns of people-of-fashion, slightly amok and in love, not toofar from the Ritz. The tale is mock-Cinderella, with a brainy gaminefrom Greenwich Village suddenly discovered by a magazine photographer,(taken to Paris) and transformed into the world's most famous image of'haute couture.' Photographer Richard Avedon served as 'visualconsultant' on Funny Face, which is why the film resembles no other: hisexcitement is inherent in every explosion of color, from an eye-poppingsuccession of pink sylphs in a faery-world of narcissism to a wittyseries of Audrey Hepburn as a model subjected to different moods andlocales, a mute Bernhardt in triumph over absolute 'chichi.'" AlbertJohnson

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