Gammelion* and Bliss

*tentative"Gammelion is sixty minutes in length; to the engrossed New World Film Spectator, seconds in eternity."-G.M., 1967Bliss was filmed in Hydra, Greece soon after Markopoulos moved to Europe. Using only available sunlight, and shooting at twelve frames per second, Markopoulos depicted the Greek church of St. John the Baptist and its interior frescoes. (6 mins, From Temenos, Inc.) Similarly shot in available light and with only two rolls of film, Gammelion portrays Castello Roccasinibalda, a castle in Italy with which Markopoulos had long been entranced. Each "film phrase" consisted of only a few frames which he later combined with hundreds of fade-ins and fade-outs, extending five minutes of film to sixty. The sound track includes Rilke's text, "To be Loved, is to be Consumed..." read forward and in reverse. In "Correspondences of Smells and Visuals," an article Markopoulos wrote while working on Gammelion, he speculated about using a "single, well-known musical composition to relate to the film spectator what he might not otherwise receive from the static images, so brief..." (55 mins)

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