Gathering Strands

Artists in Person

In this visually mesmerizing collection of shorts, artists experiment with storytelling techniques, drawing from their individual experiences and expressive cultural vocabularies. Kim Trang-Tran's Epilogue: The Palpable Invisibility of Life is a cerebral yet touching examination of a mother-daughter relationship by way of Derrida and medical images; Tamales in January shows a mother's influence on her son through visceral spoken word. N. Sikand must come to terms with appropriation and contamination of her cultural icons in In Whose Name; Sarah del Seronde's personal documentary Sa'ah attempts to discover and preserve the true way of beauty of her tribe. Syrian director Diana el-Jeiroudi provides an intimate and candid look at pregnancy and motherhood in The Pot. In A Short Tale of Xuan, an introspective young girl finds wonder in collecting little stories; Elizabeth Farfán's La Catrina boldly creates her own narrative and leaves a lasting impression in Vida Pública.

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