A Generation

We have brought over this print of A Generationfrom London, for it is difficult to overstate the film's importance. AsRoman Polanski put it very simply, "The whole Polish cinema beganwith it." Using neorealism as his model, with only the germ of hislater stylistic tropes, "Wajda created the first tragedy in EasternEuropean cinematography" (Liehm and Liehm). Seen today, AGeneration reaffirms its status as a film of unique sensitivity to theexperience of Wajda's generation. The film tells of a group of youngpeople who seek to define their own personalities in the attitudes andevents of the years of the Nazi occupation. These youths have not onlyto earn a living under incredibly difficult circumstances; they mustalso learn to hate and kill. During these bitter struggles, one of theyoung men falls in love with the woman who leads the Resistance group, alove snatched greedily during the pauses in the fight. In supportingroles in both of tonight's films are Polanski and Zbigniew Cybulski (seeAshes and Diamonds).

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