Sunday, Jan 20, 1985
Girls About Town
This lively, hard-boiled romp in the early '30s “gold-diggers” tradition stars Kay Francis and Joel McCrea but gets most of its juice from wisecracking supporting actors Lilyan Tashman and Eugene Pallette. The story has a certain “whore-by-any-other-name” cynicism that anticipates Cukor's later classic The Women, especially in the scene in which the “girls” raise some quick cash by auctioning off their ill-got gowns, furs and jewels to their gold-digging friends. In his book, On Cukor, Gavin Lambert suggests that Girls About Town holds up best of Cukor's early work at Paramount, though today it remains one of his least seen films: “Very lightly and deftly done, the acting is real movie acting, and Lilyan Tashman is brilliant with something of a Harlow quality.... The comedy is very sharply paced.”
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