The Girls of San Frediano

Zurlini's debut feature was his only lighthearted one, though it too is tinged with regret. Freely based on a short story by Pratolini (author of Family Diary), it tells of the amorous interludes of a bold Florentine youth, a car mechanic nicknamed Bob for his resemblance to Robert Taylor. Charming all the girls in the neighborhood, he juggles five who in the end all cheat on him. "The jovial representation of the characters and its taking place in a timely and particular historical moment-lively and bustling Florence-already highlight the qualities of this new director. He is a sensitive scholar of psychologies, especially those of women, and an attentive painter of natural settings and countrysides. The narrative freshness, the freedom of his style, and the wonderful types of irony give him a fresh and new film." (Catalogo bolaffi del cinema italiano, trans. by Tamao Nakahara)

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