Girls Like Us

Four years in the life of a teenager can be a staggering leap, across the gulf separating flighty childhood from the dead weight of maturity. Wagner and DiFeliciatonio's thoroughly engrossing Girls Like Us follows four South Phillie teenagers as they navigate those crucial years heading toward the agony and ecstasy of adulthood. Boy-crazy Lisa, an Italian American with a ribald sense of humor; aspiring vocalist De'Yona whose aging grandmother can't help her to overcome inevitable disappointment; egghead Anna, an Asian American immigrant whose parents have banned all boys; and nest-builder Raelene, pregnant by the age of fourteen: fresh, high-strung and joyously vibrant, these young girls confide their hopes, dreams, and day-to-day delirium with effusive candor. What they already know of life is often irreverent and thought provoking; what they misunderstand is equally eye opening. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at Sundance '97, Girls Like Us puts the wonder back in the wonder years.

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