Wednesday, Oct 15, 2003
They just can't be together, but they just can't stay apart. The painful fate of a couple who fall for each other like the proverbial ton of bricks-but he's married-sounds like a heartsore Nashville ballad, but this archetypal triangle is played out with a terse subtlety that depicts passion and anguish all the more acutely. Meeting by chance with no more introduction than overwhelming mutual attraction, Amsterdammers Jan and Laura fall into each other's arms. The erotic and romantic chemistry is powerful. But Jan's no clichéd cad; he loves his wife, and he cuts the affair off short. If only it were that easy. Director Honigmann and actors Johanna ter Steege and Guy van Sande make Jan and Laura rich, believable, and sympathetic characters, with independent lives-the city of Amsterdam itself is an alluring setting-and a sexy joyfulness in their passion that counterbalances the torch-song agony.
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