Into the Great Tribulation (Premiere)

Artists in Person Thepresence of divinity can be felt in many places: Into the GreatTribulation locates the Lord at that noisy intersection where sacredmeets profane. This feature-length documentary explores those mostridiculed of seekers, the street preachers, focusing on the juncture ofSan Francisco's Powell and Market Streets. It is an intense, quick-pacedimmersion in the delirious life of those curiously called by God topreach the gospel. As co-director Bob Paris says: "Tribulation is acelebration of their fanaticism and vitality, a revelation of theirloneliness and isolation, and an explication of their connection to anuncaring world." Gathered from months of shooting, theextraordinary images reveal that these street preachers are bizarre, butgrotesquerie eventually turns to fragility and a kind of dizzydedication. "From the electric guitar-wielding grandma to the carmechanic, the surfer dude to the ex-stripper, each street preacher isseen amid an urban landscape of broken pipe dreams, violent contrasts,and loneliness" (Paris). --Steve Seid

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