Tuesday, Jul 18, 1995
Greetings from Out Here
Preceded by short: Diana's Hair Ego: AIDS Info Up Front (Ellen Spiro, U.S., 1990). DiAna DiAna is a South Carolina hair stylist and safe-sex activist whose program of education emanates from her salon, where she gets down to the roots, so to speak. (29 mins, Color, 3/4" video, From Video Data Bank) ------------------------------------------Our view of gay culture is often dominated by the urban centers. But out there, beyond the boundaries of metropolitian life, is a rich, diverse, and surprisingly thriving gay culture. In Greetings from Out Here, a colorful whirlwind tour of gay Dixie, videomaker Ellen Spiro captures the people, places, politics, and queer roadside signs of life in the South. In a series of vivid picture postcards, Spiro visits landmarks, events, and just plain characters, including: the Gay Rodeo, Mardi Gras, Gay Pride in Atlanta, the Rhythmfest women's music festival, the Short Mountain Radical Faerie sanctuary, Dollywood, and The Monk's (of Monk Magazine) World Headquarters. Interviews along the way convey the range of Southern lives-from Isis, a black lesbian living in a bus in the Ozarks; to Rita, a retired military officer, now a drag queen in New Orleans.-Steve Seid
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