Grimaces (Gyerekbetegségek)

An action packed, brightly colored film depicting the adventures of a six-year-old boy attending school for the first time. He befriends a little girl, Zizi, who becomes his constant companion in a child's world of discovery, a surreal and grotesque world in which fantasies merge inevitably with reality: housepainters fall into drums of paint and emerge a vision of color, prisoners vault to freedom over the walls of the exercise yard, and a creepy uncle, an ex-wrestler, turns into the villain in a prolonged chase. Grimaces was the debut feature of János Rózsa and co-director Ferenc Kardos at the Bela Balazs studios. “A poetic film of lyrical irony consisting of small episodes, its charm lay not only in the attractiveness of the montage and the delightful child actors, but also in the bitter malice with which the directors attacked the world of adults.” (Liehm and Liehm, The Most Important Art)

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