Growing Up with Rockets

Many of us "grew up" with rockets, but not in Nancy Yasecko's sense--not with rockets in our backyards. In this quirky, impressionistic and thoroughly engrossing documentary, Yasecko invites us into the world of a Cocoa Beach, Fla. childhood, spent among the other displaced families of scientists who transformed this backwater town into a launch site for missiles and Cold War mythology. This was a community based not on a sense of place, but on an idea and an ideal, a strangely insular and secretive community whose public side was exposed almost nightly on national television. Yasecko is a natural storyteller and her soft Southern voice, heard over family snapshots at the "Spacarium" or over carefully culled archival footage describing the growth of the space program, transforms and integrates a personal history into a collective one. "Few female artists have approached technology with such affection and gusto" (American Film).

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