Handle with Care

The seven artist-made films gathered in this program vary from cutout collage and hand-processed film to puppet and costume drama to two films with 3-D imagery. With a single shot recording ninety-three candles flickering on a birthday cake or an allegorical recounting of a near-death experience, these films remind us of the fragility of life and the power of the moving image medium . . . as well as the reverse. The vibrant, abstract spirals of Kerry Laitala's experiments with chromovision leap off the screen in pulsating 3-D in Chromatic Cocktail. In Adele Horne and Paul VanDeCarr's Experiment on Peripheral Vision, #1, a man and a woman note what they see from the corners of their eyes. Charlotte Pryce's luminous, hand-processed film The Parable of the Tulip Painter and the Fly reaches across the centuries to find inspiration in a seventeenth-century Dutch painting. Nancy Andrews's imaginative allegory On a Phantom Limb draws on ink paintings, live-action, and puppets to explore a woman who finds herself part bird after a life-threatening occurrence. Speechless is Scott Stark's beautiful yet uneasy weaving of imagery of human vulvas and landscapes, drawing on medical 3-D Viewmaster images. Lewis Klahr evokes longing and regret in the haunting collage-film False Aging, crafted from the detritus of the past. Kevin Jerome Everson's Ninety-Three is a succinct portrait of resilience.

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