The Handmaidens of God

“A sensitive documentary about a little-known order of nuns devoted to domestic service in the Church.
“The community of Les Petites Soeurs de la Sainte-Famille was founded in 1880. Today, 550 nuns, average age 60, live in the concern; 200 of them must stay in the infirmary. But this is not a house of despair. Along the shining parquets of their quarters or in the presbyteries of the big churches they cheerfully accomplish their tasks with a determination that would defy an army. Many are still on their feet more than eight hours a day, washing (hand-wringers), mending, shoemaking. There is no self-pity. This is a film about motivation. Contentment is knowing you made the correct choice in life....
“It is the first time in Quebec a film crew has been permitted to record the daily life of a religious community. It is an experience that reaches for part of the heart of a people....” --Edinburgh Film Festival

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