He Ran All the Way

"A social-deterministclassic" (Errol Morris). "He Ran All the Way°is atypical of film noirin its working-class milieu. John Garfield plays Nick Robey, a neurotic, insecurehoodlum on the run after killing a cop°.He insinuates himself into the apartmentof a working-class family (whom) he holds°hostage for two days°.He Ran All theWay is a dark film with little hope to offer. For us today it is even blackerthan it would have seemed in 1951 because we know it is John Garfield's lastfilm. (H)e died the following year, driven to a premature death by (HUAC's)demands that he inform on his friends and coworkers. So the film's title becomesan epitaph for its star as well as for the character he played." (TA) BothJohn Berry and Hugo Butler avoided HUAC subpoenas, with Butler emigrating toMexico, Berry to France.

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