Saturday, May 14, 1983
In Heaven There Is No Beer?: A Work in Progress
Les Blank, director and photographer; Maureen Gosling, editor and sound editor; and their assistant Chris Simon will be on hand to discuss their new film, In Heaven There Is No Beer?, presented tonight in its rough-cut stage. In Heaven There Is No Beer? is the result of a journey into the heart of Polkaland--i.e., the East and the Midwest--by Blank and his Flower Films crew who report: "The crew discovered that there's much more to Polka than corny lyrics, oom-pah and beer-drinking bravado. The Polish Polka (there's also German, Slovenian, Texas-Mexican Polka, which Flower was financially unable to explore) is the most thriving, its music very seductive. Bright brass, ringing accordions and concertinas, toe-tingling rhythms: the dance is invigorating to watch and to do. The people are warm, hearty, hospitable. In spite of periods of a certain saturation with the Polka sound--which did not, however, wear down the avid Polkaholics--Flower Films pressed on...." The film features Polka celebrations from Connecticut to Chicago, and interviews with and music by some of the greatest living names in Polka.
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